what the workshop aims for


“VERBAL PHYSIOTHERAPY” September 2018 see timetable above

1.  What is Verbal Physiotherapy for?

2.  What is this workshop for?

3.  How to cure mental pain


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1.  What is Verbal Physiotherapy for?


FRONTAL BLOCKAGE – this is behind every psychiatric symptom.  Verbal Physiotherapy is aimed at showing the sufferer that it’s there, what it’s like, and how to shift it.

2.  What is this workshop for?


THE AIM OF THIS WORKSHOP is to give participants an insight into how frontal blockages work, especially the mild ones we all have, and therefore how they can be sensitively CURED.

3.  How to cure mental pain


1 there are three “people” in the room – you, the sufferer, and the figment

2 you can see the figment, they cannot – because violence has blocked their frontal lobes.

3 the challenge is to acknowledge that part of them doesn’t want to look – your task is gently to persuade them that the past is over, their future is bright.





1 Truth, Trust and Consent – frontal blockages undermine Trust, only removable using Consent.


2 The Chair Test exploring infantism – milder frontal blockages show up


3 the TRAUMA TRIAD Verbal Physiotherapy in action



Bob Johnson                                                            Wednesday, 12 September 2018